Italia » Stato
Europa » Unione Europea
Grégory Claeys, Maria Demertzis, Konstantinos Efstathiou, Inês Gonçalves Raposo, Alexander Lehmann, David Pichler, European Commission, Analysis of developments in EU capital flows in the global context. Taking the perspective of the Capital Markets Union
Saouter E, Biganzoli F, Ceriani L, Versteeg D, Crenna E, Zampori L, Sala S, Pant R, European Commission – EC-JRC, Environmental Footprint: Update of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods – Ecotoxicity freshwater, human toxicity cancer, and non-cancer
EPRS European Parliamentary Research Service, EPRS European Parliamentary Research Service, European Council conclusions: A rolling check-list of commitments to date
EPRS European Parliamentary Research Service, EPRS European Parliamentary Research Service, Implementation of the Treaty provisions concerning enhanced cooperation. European Implementation Assessment
Letter from the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission to Prime Minister Theresa May, 14 January 2019
Mancini, L; Vidal Legaz, B; Vizzarri M.; Wittmer, D.; Grassi G.; Pennington, D., European Commission, Mapping the role of Raw Materials in Sustainable Development Goals. A preliminary analysis of links, monitoring indicators and related policy initiatives
European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication, Public opinion in the European Union
Statement by President Juncker on the outcome of the Meaningful Vote in the United Kingdom House of Commons
European Parliament, Directorate-General for Communication, Public Opinion Monitoring Unit, TAKING UP THE CHALLENGE FROM (SILENT) SUPPORT TO ACTUAL VOTE. A Public Opinion Monitoring Study
Europa » Stati Europei
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