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NUMERO 12 - 11/06/2014

 Telecommunications Law in the European Union Exchanging experiences among national courts

From a technical point of view, radio and video broadcasting forms part of the general notion of telecommunications, as a subclass of the radio communications, these latter being that kind of communications which are realized by the production of electric fields generating waves that propagate in the space without artificial guide; and within radio communications, radio and video broadcasting is a particular form of communication that– for its circular propagation – can be received by an undetermined plurality of subjects. Owing to their technical characters, electromagnetic waves diffuse in the atmospheric space without respecting the geo-political boundaries of the States, their diffusion being conditioned only by natural or artificial obstacles. And so the issue at hand, the transition of the terrestrial video broadcasting to the digital era, which has lately interested so many countries, cannot be scrutinized without considering the international legal framework as it has been taking form in the latest years... (segue)

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