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Discorso del Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America Barack Obama in occasione del centenario della fondazione dell'Associazione nazionale per la promozione dei diritti delle persone di colore (NAACP)
It is an honor to be here, in the city where the NAACP was formed, to mark its centennial. What we celebrate tonight is not simply the journey the NAACP has traveled, but the journey that we, as Americans, have traveled over the past one hundred years.
It is a journey that takes us back to a time before most of us were born, long before the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, and Brown v. Board of Education; back to an America just a generation past slavery. It was a time when Jim Crow was a way of life; when lynchings were all too common; and when race riots were shaking cities across a segregated land.
It was in this America where an Atlanta scholar named W.E.B. Du Bois, a man of towering intellect and a fierce passion for justice, sparked what became known as the Niagara movement; where reformers united, not by color but cause; and where an association was born that would, as its charter says, promote equality and eradicate prejudice among citizens of the United States.
From the beginning, Du Bois understood how change would come - just as King and all the civil rights giants did later. They understood that unjust laws needed to be overturned; that legislation needed to be passed; and that Presidents needed to be pressured into action. They knew that the stain of slavery and the sin of segregation had to be lifted in the courtroom and in the legislature.
But they also knew that here, in America, change would have to come from the people. It would come from people protesting lynching, rallying against violence, and walking instead of taking the bus. It would come from men and women - of every age and faith, race and region - taking Greyhounds on Freedom Rides; taking seats at Greensboro lunch counters; and registering voters in rural Mississippi, knowing they would be harassed, knowing they would be beaten, knowing that they might never return.
Sentenza della Corte nelle cause riunite C-611/22 P | Illumina/Commissione e C-625/22 P | Grail/Commissione e Illumina
Dossier 'Misure urgenti in materia penitenziaria, di giustizia civile e penale e di personale del Ministero della giustizia'
Dossier 'Proroga del termine per l'esercizio delle deleghe previste dall'articolo 2 della legge 15 luglio 2022, n. 106, nonché di quelle previste dall’articolo 27 della legge 5 agosto 2022, n. 118'
Dossier 'Conferenza interparlamentare sulla politica estera e di sicurezza comune (PESC) e sulla politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune (PSDC)'
Dossier 'Relazione della Commissione europea sull'applicazione nel 2023 del regolamento concernente l'accesso del pubblico ai documenti di Parlamento europeo, Consiglio, Commissione'