As became abundantly clear in the months leading up to the June 6 to 9 elections, the new European Parliament will be faced with a number of complex issues, not just internally but also outside the Union’s borders. The many internal challenges range from the difficulties in maintaining the system’s cohesion while upholding such fundamental values as the rule of law (though recent political shifts in Poland would seem to have defused one of the most worrisome situations), to continuing along the path inaugurated by Next Generation EU towards greater integration in protecting social rights (which may call for more attention to coordinating resource management), as well the need to ensure the safety and security of the EU’s citizens, with everything that implies. Externally, the Union is challenged by the daunting problems beleaguering today’s world: the climate crisis, energy poverty, and the need to deal with the growing waves of migration—and the many factors behind them—towards the Old Continent… (continues)
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