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FOCUS - Human Rights

 The report on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change. A pragmatic analysis

Abstract [It]: Il contributo analizza criticamente il contenuto del rapporto sulla promozione e la protezione dei diritti umani nel contesto dei cambiamenti climatici adottato il 26 luglio 2022 dal Relatore speciale Ian Fry. In particolare, il documento esamina tre questioni chiave: il rapporto tra le azioni di mitigazione e gli obblighi degli stati sui diritti umani; le perdite e i danni da cambiamento climatico; la partecipazione ai processi decisionali e la protezione dei difensori dei diritti climatici.


Title: The report on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change. A pragmatic analysis

Abstract [En]: The paper critically analyses the report on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change adopted on 26 July 2022 by Special Rapporteur Ian Fry. In particular, the article explores three key issues: the relationship between mitigation actions and human rights obligations; climate change loss and damage and participation in decision-making processes and the protection of climate rights defenders.


Parole chiave: diritti, clima, perdite, emissioni, report

Keywords: rights, climate, loss, emissions, report


Summary: 1. Introduction. 2. From science to climate treaties and human rights. Thinking about mitigation to justify a general science-human rights-based approach. 3. The actions to limit and regulate GHG as part of the obligation to protect human rights in the 2022 report. 4. The different costs of L&D before COP 27, the establishment of a loss and damage facility and the operationalising of the Santiago Network. 5. The nexus between participation in decision-making processes and the role of climate rights defenders. 6. The Special Rapporteur’s recommendations to the General Assembly and Parties to the UNFCCC. A critical assessment and conclusions.

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