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NUMERO 15 - 26/06/2024

 European Parliament Elections in the 27 EU Member States

Maintaining a well-established tradition, on the occasion of the European elections, federalismi.it devotes ample space to the consultations in the 27 countries on the ballot. For each Member State, a contribution is presented that, framing the country's institutional system and form of government, reconstructs the electoral data of the previous 2019 round, the electoral law under which they vote, the lists in the running and the modalities (as well as the issues) of the electoral campaign. The texts are updated with results and early political commentary.

Mantenendo una tradizione ormai consolidata, in occasione delle elezioni europee, federalismi.it dedica ampio spazio alle consultazioni nei 27 Paesi al voto. Per ciascuno Stato Membro viene presentato un contributo che, inquadrando il sistema istituzionale e la forma di governo del Paese, ricostruisce i dati elettorali della precedente tornata 2019, la legge elettorale con la quale si vota, le liste in corsa e le modalità di svolgimento (nonché i temi) della campagna elettorale. I testi sono aggiornati ai risultati e ai primi commenti politici.

  Adriana Ciancio 2024 EU Elections: old issues for new challenges
  Nicola Lupo After the 2024 EP elections, the arrhythmias of EU democracy have become even more evident (and less bearable)
  Tanja Cerruti The European Union’s outside challenges: defence and enlargement
  Federica Fabrizzi Abstentionism and absence of a European Political offer. About the 'democratic deficit' of the European Union
  Massimo Rubechi I sistemi elettorali per il rinnovo del Parlamento europeo del 2024
  Alessandro Sterpa e Claudia Capasso Piazze vuote, plance vuote, bacheche vuote e urne semi vuote: le elezioni 'politiche' europee nel Global Election Year
AUSTRIA Andrea Caravita di Toritto Trial run for a new Austrian and European systemic equilibrium
BELGIUM Luca Di Domenico The Belgian triple vote: constant research for a compromise
BULGARIA Valentina Carlino Bulgaria: European elections of 2024
CROATIA Giorgio Bonerba Croatia: between national and European elections
CYPRUS Iole Pia Di Ciommo Cyprus: a new chance towards European trust
CZECH REP. Giulia Santomauro The 2024 EP Election in Czechia: a fine line between hard and soft Euroscepticism
DENMARK Luisa Giurato The 2024 Elections of the European Parliament in Denmark
ESTONIA Luca Cavalli European elections in Estonia. Political framework, institutional structure, and digital voting programs
FINLAND Giulia Renzi Finland’s Participation in the 2024 European Elections
FRANCE Giacomo Delledonne The 2024 European election in France: Continuity and innovation amid domestic and international turmoil
GERMANY Andrea De Petris Germany on the European ballot: an announced shock and the risk of losing identity
GREECE Chiara Arruzzoli Another turn or the same prospects? The Greek European elections of 2024
HUNGARY Sergio Spatola Hungary and the Perfect Storm: European Parliament Elections and Financial Conditionality Linked to Rule of Law Violations
IRELAND Emanuele Gabriele The European Parliament elections in Ireland. Domestic issues and international equilibria
ITALY Federico Savastano The 2024 European Parliament Elections in Italy
LATVIA Giuliano Costa Institutional affairs and political dynamics in Latvia for the 2024 European elections
LITHUANIA Domenico Bruno Lithuania on the European vote in 2024: geopolitical tensions and instances of cohesion
LUXEMBOURG Ylenia Guerra Luxembourg and the European elections: Preliminary Perspectives
MALTA Eleonora Iannario Malta: European elections in tandem with local council elections
NETHERLANDS Simone Barbareschi The European elections in the Netherlands: a result with lights and shadows
POLAND Francesco Severa Some enduring elements to read the 'Polish question' and its impact on the European integration process
PORTUGAL Stefano Aru and Lorenzo Moroni Portugal on the ballot for the 2024 European elections: nationalist turn or return to the past?
ROMANIA Adriano Dirri The European elections in Romania in the “one-year electoral marathon”. The ruling coalition and the rise of euroscepticism
SLOVAKIA Paolo Bonini The constitutional framework of Slovakia and the European elections
SLOVENIA Giulia Vasino From a 'textbook' example of democratic transition to political fragmentation: Slovenia in the EU elections arena
SPAIN Rosa Iannaccone The challenge of the European elections in Spain: between autonomist claims and national governmental stability
SWEDEN Francesca Caleca European Electionts 2024 in Sweden

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