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FOCUS - Los efectos de la crisis financiera sobre las instituciones nacionales N. 13 - 04/05/2020

 El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea y la protección del consumidor en la crisis financiera

Abstract: Consumer protection is a primary instrument to develop the EU's internal market, but it is also a relevant to define and protect the individual legal status of citizens, residents and people in general that can assume the role of consumers under EU law. As it is well known, consumer enjoys a bundle of rights under EU law, but due to the national procedural autonomy Member States are the ones entitled to cover these rights in the national regulation, with equivalence and effectiveness. National courts must guarantee these rights in the national proceedings, and there were several problems of legal interpretation -linked to the effective protection of the consumer- which emerged during one of the greatest economic and financial crisis in our history. This paper outlines how the ECJ took the opportunity to develop the so-called constitutional procedural status of EU consumer in order to guarantee the effectiveness of (EU) consumer rights, from Pannon (2009) and Pénzügyi (2010) until the last important cases. 


Sumario: 1. Motivación. – 2. Concepto de consumidor y marco jurídico de su protección en el Derecho de la Unión Europea. – 3. Desarrollo jurisprudencial de la posición del consumidor, en especial durante la crisis: el estatus constitucional procesal del consumidor. – 4. Conclusiones.

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